Gender Equality

Global Goals includes Gender Equality as one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the World. UN Women and HeForShe are the organizations and programmes that works for them.

But before talking globally or in a grand level, let us just know about Gender and its perception in the society, and how it affects an individual's scope, choices and opportunities.

Biological factors of an individual defines one's Gender. The primary genders are Male & Female.
Biological or structural differences of bodies helps in classifying an individual in one of these Genders.

In animals, we still use the same phenomenon to find one's gender. But, in humans the process varies in a variety of ways.

As we're told, humans are the social animals, therefore social factors took over biological factors to decide one's gender.

Social factors involves work, habits, language, emotions, clothes, behaviour, physical strength, thoughts, mental abilities, etc.

These are the major factors our society uses to decide gender of a person. Like for example - household work is for women, any man doing so would be deemed less a man. Bad habits, as we term them like drinking, smoking aren't too bad for men, but for women, it is something which questions her character. Similar case is with foul language taken differently from men and women. Being too much emotional or sensitive is a trait related to women not men. There are number of factors & differences in between the two.

So as we see, our society has made so many stereotypes for both the genders. Anyone acting differently to such norms would be deemed anti-social.

This stereotypical society has limited the very potential of humans. It acts as a barrier for an individual to explore his/her abilities and potential.

We are allowing some outdated social norms to hold us back from exploring the infinite possibilities a human mind can create for an individual. It is not only a men's or women's rights issue. But a complete violation of human rights of a person.

We have seen women in our society getting success in every field, and men attempting to do something very different from past generations and exploring their other side.

There are endless possibilities a human mind can offer to an individual according to their capabilities and interests, so what is the need to typecast a gender and limiting its abilities and area of work.

Ours is a patriarchal society, so in one hand where men can easily enjoy their rights and are lesser to struggle through the basic joys of life, women on the other hand are suppressed & cannot fully enjoy even their basic human rights. Most of the girls not even receive proper education, and there is no equal opportunities for them to choose their career.

Inequality is witnessed by working women also who receive less pay than men. Gender pay gap is a burning issue in our society and many other countries, where women do not get their due share at work.

Our country has various laws to safeguard the rights and interests of women, which helps in upliftment of  women in society and also to increase their contribution in the country. Due to various such laws and schemes, women have shown their mettle in work as well as sports and are living their dreams.

But, what needs to change is the outdated mentality of the society. For being human isn't about classifying ourselves in some type or being bound by societal norms, but to enjoy the very human experience, and exploring the personalities exploding within us.

Because "We Are Infinite".


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