Changing World


Nothing is permanent in this world, but Change. Whether it is time, people, status, situations, love, hatred, opinions, good times or bad times. Anything & everything has a tendency to change after a while.

Almost true is the phrase - "Change is the law of nature." This means that everything which holds existence in this earth is subject to change.

Sometimes, these changes are seen as necessary for us, no matter how hard they seem or how difficult the transition may be.

Why is it important to change with time?

We know, that time waits for none. It keeps on flowing like water. And to go with the flow, we need to change ourselves accordingly

Adapting the changes around us is a need to survive in today's world. You can't just hold back yourself, resisting the changes around you. And think of getting accepted by the society.

Because survival of the fittest is not only meant for animals, for humans it is based on the adaptability of an individual.

Adaptability is one of the amazing gifts we humans have. We have evolved ourselves adapting the changes our planet and our society is going through.

We have seen a lot of changes through the ages, to become a civilized society we live in today. How a person perceives the changes around him, decides what will be the impact on him. It could be positive or negative.

Sometimes we make a choice of what we believe is best for us, & mould us accordingly. But not always we have a hand full of choices. Sometimes, there are situations created where we have nothing in control, but to go with the flow and change ourself, our needs, our direction and also our state of mind.

These are the times, where either we reach our breaking point & lose everything or we blend in the chaos of life, where we know nothing about what is destined for us. We just have to adapt with everything & enrich us with knowledge. Which in time will help us find the right direction for us, and begin a journey to explore what is within.

Time is changing, so is our world & everything which holds existence in it. We just have to keep it up with time. And to be a part of it, we just need to keep Changing.


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