A Lone Wolf

A -Lone-Wolf

What is a lone wolf ? You all might have read this phrase "lone wolf" very often. But what it refers to, is something about a personality trait of a person. A character trait where the person who claims himself to be a "lone wolf" is self-sufficient. He depends on no one, or we can say he decides not to be dependent on anyone, rather faces everything alone with his own wit.

Why do people prefer being alone ? Simply, because there are people who have considerable trust issues with others. Maybe, the reason for this mistrust is some mishap happened in the past which changed their outlook for others. Such people prefer solitude, become more like introverts and works alone.

Is it fine to be alone ? Being capable of doing all your work alone is good. If you do not depend yourself on others, it gives an advantage of learning more. Not only it is good for boosting up your confidence, but also it gives you certain advantage over others who are still not independent. Being a loner is sometimes helpful in development of an individual.

What is wrong with being alone ? Being alone may be good for learning everything by ourselves. But it surely restricts our overall development. Being a loner doesn't always mean to be anti-social or to stand apart from the society. Socializing is very important for us as humans. It helps us to deal with others, and gives us a sense of moral values. Knowing everything or learning all by yourself doesn't mean there is nothing else left to learn. There is always something to learn. There is a lot beyond your opinion in this world.

If you confine yourself to your opinions, discarding others', then you are more likely to restrict your development. Being a loner means, doing everything by yourself, but it does not mean to disrespect others' opinions. Because what your knowledge & your wit can't give you is 'experience', which the other person may have.

Glorifying the phrase "lone wolf" allures people to become like that, but the myths associated with it turns them into someone with more arrogance, ignorance and anti-social behaviour. Which is more damaging than anything, having to acquire personality traits of someone you are not, or you are not completely aware about. Becoming like someone you can not connect yourself with, leads to your personality loss.

You do not need to change yourself to stand out or to become successful. Because you can grow only when you are true to yourself. The way you are is based on the experience you've got in life. And you can evolve with time using that experience only. Changing your social behaviour where you cut-off from people to portray yourself as someone else, is similar to living someone else's life. Which is definitely not going to help you grow.

And what helps you improve is to learn positive aspects of a person. We meet different people in our life, and everyone have something good & bad in them. By acquiring all the good qualities from people we meet, there will be endless things for us to learn and evolve ourselves. And all of this can be achieved without changing our true personality.

Therefore, you don't always have to become "a lone wolf", rather you can stay cordial to become successful. As it is been said, if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.


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