Positive Thinking


Life is a journey where we travel through many emotional ups and downs and discover ourselves and our self-worth. How we tackle such adversities, is based on our stance in life. Our approach towards everything, matters the most. How we react in every situation, shapes us accordingly.

What we think, has a major impact on our mental health and life. Law of attraction says, our life attract things that we think of. Which means, thinking about a problem only worsens it. And makes it even more scary than it actually was.

Which also means, thinking about positive outcomes of something could bring positive changes in our lives. Positivity acts as a shield to guard you from unfortunate encounters with negative people & your self-formed negative thoughts.

Negativity is nothing but an exaggerated thinking of all possibilities. An over-reaction to everything. A self-placed blockage before our goal. And a false opinion about our abilities and its limitations.

Whereas, positivity or positive thinking saves us from getting trapped in our thoughts, and thus avoids us to limit ourselves. It helps us in freeing ourselves from our over-grown fears.

Negativity often comes with bad experiences. When we face a lot of hardships & adversities in life, we become prone to develop negative thoughts. And by allowing this, we let our past to shape our future. The over-cautious behaviour then tries to interfere with our daily life and restrains our ability to make smart decisions.

Positivity is nothing but a faith, a belief that everything happens for a good reason. If you are in an unfavourable situation, or you are dealing with some unplanned thing, then there is a chance that it is there for a reason. A reason for you to grow, a reason for you to get stronger & smarter and also a reason for you to evolve with time.

Because life is full of challenges, and it is not at all a reason to hate it. It is the beauty of life to put you under such circumstances, where either you win or you learn from it. Which is the only way to find your true self and to know your self-worth.

Now, the question arises - "How do we stay positive in a negative situation?"

It is simply by being optimistic. Optimism is the key. We just need to find something good in everything. We need to find, in what way a negative situation is helping us or benefiting us. What changes or improvements it will bring with it. And how amazing it would be to add another experience in our life, just like another feather in the cap.

We just need to change our approach in life. How we look at our problems, and not the solutions, is what we need to change. Surround ourselves with people who are positive and happy. Avoid negative people, who have nothing but restricted minds. Engage yourself in work or things you love doing.

It seems chaotic at first while we deal with our problems which may leave us in the middle of nowhere. It creates a void of discontent, when you feel unanswered for your questions. But, we being the only ones knowing all about our lives, our strengths, our fears and our courage could pull ourselves out of all this disorder. So believe your instincts, trust your experiences and shape your life the way you want it to be.

Stay Calm. Stay Positive. Love Yourself.


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