

पहचान क्या है? आप कहेंगे जो समाज को आपका परिचय दे, वही आपकी पहचान है। जो आपके जीवन और अस्तित्व का बोध कराए, वही आपकी पहचान है। परंतु लोग अपने अस्तित्व को कई नजरिए से देखते हैं। कुछ अपने पिता एवं परिवार के द्वारा खुद का परिचय देते हैं। कुछ समाज में अपने जानने वालों द्वारा खुद का परिचय देते हैं, तथा कुछ अपने कर्मों द्वारा अपनी पहचान सब तक पहुंचाते हैं। लेकिन समाज आपको कितना जानता है या समझता है, उससे अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप खुद को कितना जानते हैं। जिन लोगों के साथ आप मिलते हैं, उठते–बैठते हैं, वे आपको उतना ही जानते हैं जितना आपका रहन सहन, दिनचर्या एवं आपका व्यवहार उन्हें बताता है। लेकिन वह सच है या मिथ्या यह सिर्फ आप जानते हैं। इन सबसे कहीं ऊपर आता है आपका खुद से परिचित होना। अपनी योग्यता को पहचानना, अपने चरित्र का आंकलन करना एवं अपनी गलतियों का बोध होना ही आपको खुद का परिचय देता है। जिस व्यक्ति को स्वयं के ही इन गुणों एवं अवगुणों का बोध नहीं होता, वह व्यक्ति सिर्फ सामाजिक छवि को ही अपना सत्य एवं अपना परिचय मान लेता है। तथा सामाजिक तौर पे अपने को उत्तम रखने की दौड़ में लगा र...

Self Love

We all must have loved someone at some time in our lives. It is natural to have love and goodwill towards people in human life. Even if one doesn't find any special person, everyone loves their family. And everyone has their own way of expressing this love. But in the midst of all this, a person remains in our life, to whom we are not able to reveal or express our love. That person is nobody but ourselves.

Lessons of Life

Life brings to you an opportunity to meet different kinds of people, and each day you learn something new. And it's the learning that helps you to prepare yourself for a new and challenging future.

A Lone Wolf

What is a lone wolf ? You all might have read this phrase "lone wolf" very often. But what it refers to, is something about a personality trait of a person. A character trait where the person who claims himself to be a "lone wolf" is self-sufficient . He depends on no one, or we can say he decides not to be dependent on anyone, rather faces everything alone with his own wit.


Respect is something that each one of us wants in life. That sense of acknowledgement by the people who appreciate your work is just priceless. Not only it boosts up your self esteem, but gives you this urge to do more & achieve more in life. All the hard work pays off, the moment you see that admiration among people for yourself.

Positive Thinking

Life is a journey where we travel through many emotional ups and downs and discover ourselves and our self-worth. How we tackle such adversities, is based on our stance in life. Our approach towards everything, matters the most. How we react in every situation, shapes us accordingly.

International Women's Day

Woman... A very special part of every man's life & a creation of God, whose purpose is to spread love. Today, we mark this day to celebrate the love, care, passion, struggles, victories, success, equality, empowerment and existence of Women. And how important they are in our lives.

Changing World

Nothing is permanent in this world, but Change. Whether it is time, people, status, situations, love, hatred, opinions, good times or bad times. Anything & everything has a tendency to change after a while. Almost true is the phrase - "Change is the law of nature." This means that everything which holds existence in this earth is subject to change.

Gender Equality

Gender Equality Global Goals includes Gender Equality as one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the World. UN Women and HeForShe are the organizations and programmes that works for them. But before talking globally or in a grand level, let us just know about Gender and its perception in the society, and how it affects an individual's scope, choices and opportunities.

Decision Making

Millions of years of evolution has brought us to a place where humans have become the most dominant species of life on earth.  Human brain has immensely evolved from the early stages of its existence. The first and foremost attribute of human intellect is based on solving a boolean expression . The selection between the two, right or wrong, good or bad, anything which requires a decision making process.